Phase 1 of Apostolic Planning is set to begin

Over the last year, the recently-founded USA East Province has been preparing for its first Province-wide Apostolic Planning Process. The heritage provinces of Maryland, New York, and New England have not engaged in Apostolic Planning in nearly forty years.

Now, Phase 1 is set to begin. During the fall, each Jesuit community will gather on three occasions to participate in communal apostolic discernment sessions. The Jesuit community at Gonzaga (Washington, DC) will meet for their first session over the Labor Day weekend. Also, the first of fourteen regional gatherings of Lay Colleagues will begin on September 17.

Our Jesuit brothers and priests who are members of the province health care communities will be praying for us through the fall using a special designed prayer guide, pictured here.

Over the next months, updates on progress will be shared with you.


Three Spiritual Dispositions for Apostolic Planning: Joy, Imagination and Boldness


Ignatian Individual and Communal Discernment